Health Insurance after Divorce
In the event of divorce, one spouse or the other will be required to obtain their own health insurance. More »
In the event of divorce, one spouse or the other will be required to obtain their own health insurance. More »
The court decides what is in the "best interest of the child", but what exactly does this mean? More »
Sometimes one party to a divorce will attempt to hide their true income or where they attempt to intentionally manipulate their income to appear lower. More »
When a couple is to divorce with kids, tax issues can make a difference in what a spouse can afford to pay in child support and alimony. More »
Legal custody in Arizona gives parents the ability to make decisions regarding their children after a divorce. More »
Individuals who file for divorce in Arizona must take certain steps and go through the proper channels. It takes a minimum of 60 days to get divorced in Arizona because the law states that the court can not issue a divorce until 60 days after papers are filed ... More »