
In Arizona, How Long Does a Divorce Take?

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Individuals who file for divorce in Arizona must take certain steps and go through the proper channels. It takes a minimum of 60 days to get divorced in Arizona because the law states that the court can not issue a divorce until 60 days after papers are filed and delivered.

Additional factors can affect how long it takes to get a divorce.

These factors include disputes over financial assets, property division, child custody and other similar matters. The division of community property plays a major role in divorce cases. Community property is any personal or financial assets obtained during the marriage. The length of divorce can also depend on the court’s schedule. For example, if a court is backed up in divorce filings, it may take longer for divorce papers to get approved.

The technical term that is commonly used when filing for divorce is dissolution of marriage. In Arizona, individuals must meet all of the standard residency requirements to file for dissolution of marriage. This is because the courts of Arizona only hold jurisdictional rights over confirmed residents. The person who files for divorce is called the petitioner. The petitioner fills out the initial forms for divorce proceedings. Once these papers are approved by a clerk, they are delivered to the other spouse. The other spouse is known as the respondent. He or she will receive the papers by a court representative, lawyer or another legal party.

There are some laws that constitute a no fault divorce in Arizona. No fault grounds for divorce include situations such as adultery, spousal abuse, drug and alcohol abuse and more. There are civil situations that constitute divorce, too. For example, a no fault divorce can occur when both parties immediately agree to get a divorce. A no fault divorce can also occur when the spouses have been living separately for at least two years.

For additional information about divorce in Arizona, interested parties can contact court representatives or lawyers who will aide them.

By David Michael Cantor, Esq.

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